5 Things Your Should Do in Your Current Job to Help You Land Your Next One

5 Things You Should Do In Your Current Job to Help You Land Your Next One

A lot of times when we are secure in a job, we don’t do much preparation for the next one. Many of us forget that the job market isn’t really what it once was. Gone are the days when an employee would stay with the same company, in the same position, for 15-20 years. In today’s fast-paced world, professionals are much more likely to stay for shorter periods with an organization, and actually gain more versatility throughout their career.


That’s why it’s important to take the time now to keep up with your job search, even when you aren’t actively searching for a job. Here is a list of 5 things I’ve come up with that will help you stay prepared, even when you don’t think you need to be!

  1. Keep Records

This is a vital step in the interview preparation process. If you wait until you’re called in for an interview before you try to compile a list of your own accomplishments (and proof of them!), chances are – you’ll be out of luck! Keep track of these things as they come – recognitions or awards you receive, times you surpass goals, projects you lead, etc. – and you will have a lot more to show for yourself when the time comes.

  1. Work Closely with Superiors and (trusted) Colleagues

You ever hear the old adage, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”? Well if you are fortunate enough to know talented, accomplished, respectable professionals, don’t waste those valuable resources! Work closely with them and get connected with them through social media. Maybe even let them know you admire their work. You never know who might be able to help you in the future!

  1. Network

Speaking of staying connected – get out there and network! Networking only works if you do it consistently, not just when you need a job. Having a well-built LinkedIn profile and engaging with other professionals in your field will allow you to build stronger relationships and stay top-of-mind to those in your industry. Getting involved in LinkedIn groups will also help you stay informed about the latest topics and ideas your contemporaries are talking about!

  1. Seek extra work, establish your own tools, and/or implement new processes

The best way to increase your skills and demonstrate your value is to start really engaging in your work. Every job is different, so for you this may mean seeking out additional work or undertaking leadership in certain projects. It may mean creating tools that help you in your job, and then sharing them with others in the hopes of helping them, too. Or maybe you’ll find an opportunity to implement a new process or improve an existing one in order to increase efficiency in your office.

Whatever your work environment is like, try to find a way to make your mark. Doing so will add another impressive project to your portfolio, and will go far in demonstrating your value to new potential employers.

  1. Set goals, planning ahead, and job hunt

Setting goals and planning ahead while you are employed will not only help you to plan the next move in your career, it will also help you to answer some of the most common interview questions, when that time comes. Hiring managers want to know that candidates have the ability to plan ahead, so they often ask questions like, “Where do you see yourself in 1/3/5 years?” If you’ve spent time planning that out for yourself, you’ll have a better answer for them!

Job hunting while you’re happily employed may seem counterintuitive, but I always think it’s a good idea. And let’s face it, a great many people aren’t anywhere near “happily” employed. You may have heard the term “passive job seeker” – that has become a large portion of the job seeker population. Being aware of the other positions out there allows you to understand how your industry is doing, and to make sure you aren’t being undervalued.

Of course, you need to make sure you are ready if you find the perfect job for you. Always keep your resume updated with your most current employment, education, certifications, training, and skills.


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