Giving Credit Where Credit is Due I have always been a firm believer in giving credit to the people who help you achieve success. Think about all of the people who have influenced you to…
Browsing CategoryInterviews
How to Handle Salary Negotiations
How to Handle Salary Negotiations Negotiating salary, whether during the interview process or when asking for a raise, is often one of the most agonized over events throughout a person’s professional career. There is an…
The Motherhood Employment Gap
How to Handle the “Motherhood” Gap On Your Resume Explaining a gap in your employment history can be a difficult and tricky task, no matter what the reason behind it. The so-called “Motherhood Gap” is perhaps…
Building a Great “Interview Anecdote”
Building a Great “Interview Anecdote” Job interviews are intimidating! It can often feel like an intricate dance you have to perform in front of a highly critical audience – your potential new employer. In order…