Qualities Interviewers WISH You Had

I read a fantastic article today that really sums up the message I try to get across to clients about interview preparation and performance. So often, job-seekers get bogged down with the job search process, and don’t concentrate enough on preparation. There are a lot of nuances to interviewing. They aren’t that difficult to refine, but you have to but the time in during your preparation!


Hank Boyer, Founder/CEO/President of the Boyer Management Group and insightful contributor to LinkedIn recently wrote an article entitled, “Eight Qualities Interviewers Wish Their Candidates Possessed”. In it, he outlines qualities which I have worked on with clients again and again! His explanations are brief and easy to understand, and his points are spot on.


The eight qualities Boyer says interviewers wish their clients had are, “I wish candidates:

  • “…were more likeable”
  • “…didn’t use superlatives all the time”
  • “…asked better questions”
  • “…asked for the job”
  • “…stood out more”
  • “…could prove what they say”
  • “…asked for a tour of the facility”
  • “…would follow up their interview”


Now, I know I’ve worked on at least 6 of these on a regular basis with clients! I really enjoy Hank Boyer’s articles, and I encourage you to follow him on LinkedIn. You absolutely cannot replace the value of interview preparation, and he often offers excellent insight on that subject.



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